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- Create Date November 17, 2022
- Last Updated November 17, 2022
One Oxfam Child Safeguarding Policy
At Oxfam, we believe in the inherent rights, freedom, dignity and equality of all people, including children. Children can be extremely vulnerable, especially in situations of poverty, humanitarian crisis or conflict and deserve higher standards of protection. Furthermore, intersections of various factors such as class, gender, race, sexual orientation, disability or being displaced, further increase a child’s vulnerability to child abuse and exploitation.
Whilst Oxfam is not specifically a child focussed organisation, we come into contact with children every day in the course of our work. In the delivery of our work, Oxfam is committed to upholding the rights of children, and safeguarding them against actions (intended or unintended) that place them at risk of all forms of violence and harm, including child abuse and exploitation.