Climate Change

Integrating Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation in the Philippines

September 18, 2020

  Proceedings from the roundtable discussion, “A Sharing of Theory and Practice on DRR-CCA Work”, held on 13-14 April 2010, Quezon City, Philippines   Climate change impacts such as those that come in the form of stronger and more frequent typhoons are increasing natural hazards in many areas of the Philippines already highly prone to […]


January 8, 2020

  Oxfam Impact January 2020   As climate change intensifies cyclones in the Philippines, an Oxfam partner is helping local fisherfolk revive a forest that is protecting their lives and livelihoods. Climate change is increasing the risk of severe weather-related emergencies. Local organizations like PRRM and MCFFA are well positioned to assist vulnerable communities, and […]

A Climate of Difficult Choices

September 14, 2017

  A Climate of Difficult Choices: Lack of international finance limits climate change adaptation options for the people of the Philippines   The international community has failed to deliver climate finance at the scale required for vulnerable countries such as the Philippines to adapt to climate change. Adaptation is a national priority for the Philippines, […]

Preparing for and Responding to El Niño

October 13, 2016

  Lessons and Recommendations from the 2015 to 2016 Crisis   The 2015 to 2016 El Niño caused devastating impacts across the globe and has been projected to be the worst in recorded history. In the Philippines, agricultural losses alone have been estimated to have cost somewhere between 5 to 12 billion Philippine pesos. What are […]

Rebuilding Fishing Communities and Fisheries: Post Haiyan Reconstruction in the Philippines

February 12, 2014

Fishing and coastal communities in the Philippines are among the poorest and the most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change and the risk of disasters. Women are central to fishery activities, and particularly vulnerable to the effects of Typhoon Haiyan on their livelihoods. This paper outlines the immediate recovery needs and gaps identified in […]

Financing Adaptation or Funding Chaos?: Adaptation, Finance, and Philippine Climate Policy

July 1, 2010

As the world reels from the devastating impacts of climate change, financing sources for climate resilient development are proliferating at a rate and scale that, from initial appearance, may all but surpass traditional flows of official development assistance (ODA). Unfortunately, the scale of resources pledged so far are far from the scale of financing required […]