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- Create Date January 26, 2024
- Last Updated January 26, 2024
This report aims to provide a broad understanding of the ecological and social impacts being generated by—and anticipated through the future growth of— utility-scale RE in the Philippines, sharing insights into how they are currently being governed, managed, and mitigated by public and private sector actors within the RE system.
It presents a case for action to RE developers, investors, financiers, procurers, policy-makers, and civil society to collaboratively set a new direction for creating a fast and fair energy transition in the Philippines. It intends to set the foundation for a deeper collective inquiry into the systemic barriers and opportunities for unlocking the RE sector’s full and unique potential to bring about change.
This report’s insights are the result of a literature review, semi-structured interviews with stakeholders from the industry, the financial sector, civil society and government, and on-site visits. It has also benefited from an expert panel’s review.
The technologies we focus on
There is a specific focus on utility-scale RE technologies, given their prevalence in the Philippines’ energy landscape and recognizing that ecological and social impacts emanating from the production and deployment of energy by these means will require management at scale. In particular, this report looks at:
- Established technologies—rapidly expanding and being mainstreamed with an established ecosystem (onshore wind, large-scale ground-mounted solar PV, and mini and micro hydro);
- Technologies that are established elsewhere globally, but only developing and likely to scale significantly in the next 5-10 years in the Philippines (offshore wind);
- New technologies—possible future sources or carriers that are still at the conceptual and trial stages (floating solar PV); and
- Storage technologies—required to address the intermittency of some RE (Battery Energy Storage Systems).