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- Create Date May 9, 2018
- Last Updated March 25, 2023
A Gender Snapshot of the Marawi Crisis
The Marawi crisis that happened in May 2017 had multi-faceted effects on women, men, girls, and boys. Eight months into the crisis, a big number of displaced population continue to face difficult conditions. A comprehensive analysis of the gender context is crucial to better map, identify and understand the risks and vulnerabilities, differential impacts, immediate and long-term needs of women, men, girls, and boys, so that government and humanitarian actors could design and carry-out effective interventions required by those in need.
This report aims to provide a gender analysis of the situation of Marawi internally displaced individuals (IDPs). It seeks to inform about efforts on early recovery, highlight the need for gender responsiveness, and surface why women’s rights must be protected and promoted in situations of emergencies.