Disaster Risk Reduction Network Philippines (DRRNetPhils) welcomes President Rodrigo Duterte’s pronouncements in his first State of the Nation Address (SONA) that he wants to “genuinely reduce the vulnerabilities of our people, build resiliency and empower individuals, families and communities.”
On another occasion, the president also mentioned that he will continue to expand operations on human assistance and disaster response, and that addressing global warming shall be a top priority of his administration.
The network commends the President for putting poor people at the center of his development and governance agenda through implementing programs in the areas of health, education, housing and environmental preservation among others. Declaring that there will be no demolition without proper relocation, the President’s statement resonates with DRRNet’s call for durable solutions for resettlement issues, both for informal settlers, and those displaced by natural disasters like Yolanda.
In light of the impending La Nina, it is also good that the administration will be implementing structural mitigation measures to address the perennial problem of flooding. His resolve to end conflict in Mindanao, and to pursue the peace process, also strikes at the core of one of the key drivers of vulnerability in the country.
While these pronouncements are important in reducing disaster risks, DRRNetPhils believes that there are immediate actions that the Duterte administration can undertake in its first 100 days to protect the vulnerable and help them thrive in the face of increasing disaster events and climate change.
For the President’s first 100 days, DRRNet Philippine launches its 911 Campaign: 9 calls 1 agenda 1 resilient Philippines as initial steps towards building a resilient Philippines to bring about the transformative change that his administration has promised:
- Certify as urgent the passage of an amendatory bill to Republic Act 10121 that will establish an independent National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Authority.
- Certify as urgent the passage of a comprehensive legislation that will protect and promote the rights of internally displaced persons (IDPs), especially in disaster and conflict-affected areas.
- Direct the National Economic Development Authority (NEDA) to immediately take action on Yolanda reconstruction and recovery issues and fast track implementation of reconstruction programmes in Yolanda–affected areas particularly on resilient human settlements.
- Direct the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC) and Department of Budget and Management (DBM) to issue a clear policy guideline on the proactive use of the National DRRM Fund particularly for high risk and low-income LGUs.
- Direct the Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG) to intensify inclusive capacity building programs and ensure that Local DRRM Offices are functional and permanent DRRM Officers are in place.
- Direct the NDRRMC to create a program supporting the establishment of safe, resilient, and multi-purpose evacuation centers, prioritizing high-risk and vulnerable areas.
- Direct the NDRRMC to issue a clear policy guideline to ensure inclusive participation and representation of CSOs at the local level.
- Direct the NDRRMC to develop a Magna Carta for DRRM Workers and volunteers.
- Direct the NDRRMC to ensure accountability of public officials as stipulated in Republic Act 10121.
DRRNetPhils will continue to engage the government to ensure that disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation are part of the priority agenda both at legislative and executive branches.
Notes to editors:
DRRNetPhils is a network of civil society organizations (CSOs), people’s organizations (POs), and practitioners advocating for the full implementation of Republic Act 10121 or the Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction and Management (DRRM) Act. DRRNetPhils is also one of the civil society organization representatives in the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council promoting community-based disaster risk reduction and management, and providing evidence-based input on the review of the Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Act (RA 10121).
DRRNetPhils’ 911: 9 calls, 1 agenda, 1 resilient Philippines resonates with the #First100Days campaign of international humanitarian agency Oxfam. The #First100Days campaign aims to call on the President and relevant government agencies to address key issues on disaster risk reduction, climate change, land rights and gender during the first 100 days of the administration.
Contact information:
For more information, please contact:
Maria Fellizar-Cagay
Lead Convenor
Disaster Risk Reduction Network Philippines
0917-542-5044 | drrnetphils.leadconvenor@gmail.com
Kamille Ruiz
Policy and Communications Officer
Disaster Risk Reduction Network Philippines
0917-562-0522 | kamilleruiz@gmail.com